In the world's major economic Marketplace where exchanges achieve up to trillions of dollars each day, many people would really want to take part in this Marketplace. Aside from being the major financial Marketplace in the world, Forex is also the most liquid Marketplace in the world where trades are completed 24 hours a day. Market News International (MNI) is the leading provider of news and intelligence specifically for the global foreign exchange and fixed income markets. MNI report on intra-day trading in the major currency markets, economic indicators and other market-moving news, providing timely, relevant and critical insights for market professionals.
Economic indicators play a huge role in the forex trading especially for traders who approach the market through fundamental analysis and trade the news. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) interest rate decision is one of the most influential indicators for the US dollar and you can be sure after the news is released there is going to be volatility in the markets and volatility is what traders thrive on.
Joining easy-forex is free of charge and does not obligate you to make a deposit or conduct a trade. For example, the quotation EUR/USD 1.2345 is the price of the euro expressed in US dollars, which means that 1 euro equals 1.2345 US dollars. The online application will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. If all required documents are submitted (Copy of Photo ID, Proof of address etc.), the account can be set up within 24 hours (during normal operating hours).
Some Forex signal service providers offer add-on services like email or mobile alerts. The service provider should have end-to-end technical support for the customers. The rates we display on this Currency Converter are indicative mid-market Rates. This means they are neither buy� or sell� rates and do not allow for spreads or handling fees and should only be used for indicative purposes.
Except for Saturdays, you can enter or exit the FOREX market anytime night or day. This market has virtually no gaps whatsoever and your stop-loss orders are almost guaranteed. Mandal says he wasn't yet suspicious. He got another e-mail from Secure on April 30.
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